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CoM SSA Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) course

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  1. MODULE 1: Setting the scene
  2. Lesson 1.1: Introduction to the CoM SSA initiative
    2 Topics
  3. Lesson 1.2: Introduction to the SEACAP
    3 Topics
  4. Lesson 1.3: Climate change and cities in Africa
    2 Topics
  5. MODULE 2: SEACAP mitigation pillar
  6. Lesson 2.1: Key concepts in climate change mitigation
    1 Topic
  7. Lesson 2.2: Introduction to the mitigation pillar
    2 Topics
  8. Lesson 2.3: The SEACAP development process for the mitigation pillar
    1 Topic
  9. Lesson 2.4: Emissions inventories: GHG emissions
    4 Topics
  10. Lesson 2.5: Developing a Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI)
    3 Topics
  11. Lesson 2.6: Tools for BEI development
    2 Topics
  12. MODULE 3: SEACAP access to energy pillar
  13. Lesson 3.1: Key concepts in access to energy
  14. Lesson 3.2: Introduction to the access to energy pillar
    2 Topics
  15. Lesson 3.3: The SEACAP development process for the access to energy pillar
  16. Lesson 3.4: Data collection
    3 Topics
  17. Lesson 3.5: Developing an Access to Energy Assessment (AEA)
    2 Topics
  18. Lesson 3.6: Setting an energy vision and targets
    3 Topics
  19. Module 3.7: Planning energy actions
    3 Topics
  20. MODULE 4: SEACAP adaptation pillar
  21. Lesson 4.1: Key Concepts in climate change adaptation
    1 Quiz
  22. Lesson 4.2: Introduction to the adaptation pillar
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  23. Lesson 4.3: The SEACAP development process for the adaptation pillar
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  24. Lesson 4.4: Developing a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA)
    1 Quiz
  25. Lesson 4.5: Setting an adaptation vision and sectoral targets
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  26. Lesson 4.6: Planning adaptation actions
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  27. MODULE 5: Steps to take before you implement your SEACAP
  28. Lesson 5.1: Next steps for prioritised actions
    1 Quiz
  29. Lesson 5.2: Categorising actions to access external finance
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  30. MODULE 6: Communicating your SEACAP
  31. Lesson 6.1: Designing your SEACAP
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  32. Lesson 6.2: Communicating your SEACAP to key stakeholders
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  33. MODULE 7: Reporting your SEACAP
  34. Lesson 7.1: Introduction to reporting your SEACAP
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  35. Lesson 7.2: Introduction to reporting the mitigation pillar
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  36. MODULE 8: Integrating your SEACAP into existing planning processes
  37. Lesson 8.1: Integrating your SEACAP actions into local level plans
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  38. Lesson 2.7: Setting mitigation targets
    2 Topics
  39. Lesson 2.8: Planning mitigation actions
    1 Topic
  40. Lesson 7.4: Introduction to reporting the access to energy pillar
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  41. Lesson 7.3: Introduction to reporting the adaptation pillar
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson Progress
0% Complete


Accessible graphic design specifically considers the needs of those who encounter difficulty in viewing and using documents.


Universality extends the idea of accessibility to everyone. Instead of designing one page for typical users and then multiple iterations for differently abled people, this best practice focuses on delivering design and content that’s accessible to everyone. In many cases, the changes needed to deliver this kind of universality are minimal but provide a significant boost to the number of potential site visitors. Consider the real world example of automatic sliding doors. Anyone can use them, but they make life significantly easier for those with mobility challenges.


Last but not least is usability. Consider text size and color. If you significantly increase the size of all text on your document and use highly contrasting colors, you’ve created a universal design. By making text size and color adjustable, meanwhile, you provide the ideal combination of accessible, universal and usable design.