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CoM SSA Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) course
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MODULE 1: Setting the scene
Lesson 1.1: Introduction to the CoM SSA initiative2 Topics
Lesson 1.2: Introduction to the SEACAP3 Topics
Lesson 1.3: Climate change and cities in Africa2 Topics
MODULE 2: SEACAP mitigation pillar
Lesson 2.1: Key concepts in climate change mitigation1 Topic
Lesson 2.2: Introduction to the mitigation pillar2 Topics
Lesson 2.3: The SEACAP development process for the mitigation pillar1 Topic
Lesson 2.4: Emissions inventories: GHG emissions4 Topics
Lesson 2.5: Developing a Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI)3 Topics
Lesson 2.6: Tools for BEI development2 Topics
MODULE 3: SEACAP access to energy pillar
Lesson 3.1: Key concepts in access to energy
Lesson 3.2: Introduction to the access to energy pillar2 Topics
Lesson 3.3: The SEACAP development process for the access to energy pillar
Lesson 3.4: Data collection3 Topics
Lesson 3.5: Developing an Access to Energy Assessment (AEA)2 Topics
Lesson 3.6: Setting an energy vision and targets3 Topics
Module 3.7: Planning energy actions3 Topics
MODULE 4: SEACAP adaptation pillar
Lesson 4.1: Key Concepts in climate change adaptation1 Quiz
Lesson 4.2: Introduction to the adaptation pillar2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.3: The SEACAP development process for the adaptation pillar1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.4: Developing a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA)1 Quiz
Lesson 4.5: Setting an adaptation vision and sectoral targets2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.6: Planning adaptation actions2 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 5: Steps to take before you implement your SEACAP
Lesson 5.1: Next steps for prioritised actions1 Quiz
Lesson 5.2: Categorising actions to access external finance2 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 6: Communicating your SEACAP
Lesson 6.1: Designing your SEACAP3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 6.2: Communicating your SEACAP to key stakeholders1 Topic|1 Quiz
MODULE 7: Reporting your SEACAP
Lesson 7.1: Introduction to reporting your SEACAP3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 7.2: Introduction to reporting the mitigation pillar4 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 8: Integrating your SEACAP into existing planning processes
Lesson 8.1: Integrating your SEACAP actions into local level plans1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 2.7: Setting mitigation targets2 Topics
Lesson 2.8: Planning mitigation actions1 Topic
Lesson 7.4: Introduction to reporting the access to energy pillar3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 7.3: Introduction to reporting the adaptation pillar3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 11 of 41
In Progress
Lesson 2.6: Tools for BEI development
16 September 2024
Lesson objectives
Lesson objectives
What you will learn in this lesson:
An introduction to the CIRIS tool and how to use it to develop a BEI
An introduction to the Proxy Data Tool