CoM SSA Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) course
Lesson 7.3: Introduction to reporting the adaptation pillar3 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 1: Setting the scene
Lesson 1.1: Introduction to the CoM SSA initiative2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 1.2: Introduction to the SEACAP3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 1.3: Climate change and cities in Africa2 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 2: SEACAP Mitigation Pillar
Lesson 2.1: Key concepts in climate change mitigation1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 2.2: Introduction to the Mitigation Pillar2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 2.3: The SEACAP development process for the Mitigation Pillar1 Topic
Lesson 2.4: Emissions inventories: GHG emissions4 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 2.5: Developing a Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI)3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 2.6: Tools for BEI development2 Topics
MODULE 3: SEACAP Access to Energy Pillar
Lesson 3.1: Key concepts in access to energy1 Quiz
Lesson 3.2: Introduction to the Access to Energy Pillar3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 3.3: The SEACAP development process for the Access to Energy Pillar1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 3.4: Data collection3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 3.5: Developing an Access to Energy Assessment (AEA)2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 3.6: Setting an energy vision and targets3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 3.7: Planning energy actions3 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 4: SEACAP Adaptation Pillar
Lesson 4.1: Key concepts in climate change adaptation1 Quiz
Lesson 4.2: Introduction to the Adaptation Pillar2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.3: The SEACAP development process for the Adaptation Pillar1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.4: Developing a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA)1 Quiz
Lesson 4.5: Setting an adaptation vision and sectoral targets2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.6: Planning adaptation actions2 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 5: Steps to take before you implement your SEACAP
Lesson 5.1: Next steps for prioritised actions1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 5.2: Categorising actions to access external finance2 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 6: Communicating your SEACAP
Lesson 6.1: Designing your SEACAP3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 6.2: Communicating your SEACAP to key stakeholders1 Topic|1 Quiz
MODULE 7: Reporting your SEACAP
Lesson 7.1: Introduction to reporting your SEACAP3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 7.2: Introduction to reporting the mitigation pillar4 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 8: Integrating your SEACAP into existing planning processes
Lesson 8.1: Integrating your SEACAP actions into local level plans1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 2.7: Setting mitigation targets2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 2.8: Planning mitigation actions2 Topics
Lesson 7.4: Introduction to reporting the access to energy pillar3 Topics|1 Quiz
5 February 2025
Brainstorm mitigation actions that could be implemented in your area across the different sectors (stationary energy, transportation, waste, IPPU, and AFOLU).
Look into mitigation actions that are already in place locally and nationally (including any climate change-related policies and action plans).
Further reading:
The Smart Energy Solutions for Africa (SESA) project has developed a Sustainable Energy Solutions Catalogue with actions that cover mitigation and energy access. The catalogue includes informative factsheets on:
- Sustainable e-mobility
- Productive use of solar energy
- Second-life Lithium-ion batteries
- Solar mini-grids
- Circularity and sustainable energy
- Clean cooking solutions
- Energy efficiency
- And more!
The Urban Low Emission Development Strategies Project II (Urban-LEDS II) offers ten tips for African cities to help limit global warming. Check out this related poster from Urban-LEDS II on Climate Solutions for African Cities.
Interested in how a city can take action to generate its own renewable energy? Find out more with the Cities Embedded Generation Toolkit, developed through the Alternative Financing for Municipal Embedded Generation (AFMEG) project. A key way that municipalities can reduce their GHG emissions is through building and managing greener buildings. Explore this Urban-LEDS project resource which covers First Steps to Greener Buildings, while this resource can tell you more about how the project implemented building energy metering programmes in seven municipalities in South Africa.