CoM SSA Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) course
Lesson 7.3: Introduction to reporting the adaptation pillar3 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 1: Setting the scene
Lesson 1.1: Introduction to the CoM SSA initiative2 Topics
Lesson 1.2: Introduction to the SEACAP3 Topics
Lesson 1.3: Climate change and cities in Africa2 Topics
MODULE 2: SEACAP Mitigation Pillar
Lesson 2.1: Key concepts in climate change mitigation1 Topic
Lesson 2.2: Introduction to the Mitigation Pillar2 Topics
Lesson 2.3: The SEACAP development process for the Mitigation Pillar1 Topic
Lesson 2.4: Emissions inventories: GHG emissions4 Topics
Lesson 2.5: Developing a Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI)3 Topics
Lesson 2.6: Tools for BEI development2 Topics
MODULE 3: SEACAP Access to Energy Pillar
Lesson 3.1: Key concepts in access to energy
Lesson 3.2: Introduction to the Access to Energy Pillar3 Topics
Lesson 3.3: The SEACAP development process for the Access to Energy Pillar1 Topic
Lesson 3.4: Data collection3 Topics
Lesson 3.5: Developing an Access to Energy Assessment (AEA)2 Topics
Lesson 3.6: Setting an energy vision and targets3 Topics
Lesson 3.7: Planning energy actions3 Topics
MODULE 4: SEACAP Adaptation Pillar
Lesson 4.1: Key concepts in climate change adaptation1 Quiz
Lesson 4.2: Introduction to the Adaptation Pillar2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.3: The SEACAP development process for the Adaptation Pillar1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.4: Developing a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA)1 Quiz
Lesson 4.5: Setting an adaptation vision and sectoral targets2 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4.6: Planning adaptation actions2 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 5: Steps to take before you implement your SEACAP
Lesson 5.1: Next steps for prioritised actions1 Quiz
Lesson 5.2: Categorising actions to access external finance2 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 6: Communicating your SEACAP
Lesson 6.1: Designing your SEACAP3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 6.2: Communicating your SEACAP to key stakeholders1 Topic|1 Quiz
MODULE 7: Reporting your SEACAP
Lesson 7.1: Introduction to reporting your SEACAP3 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 7.2: Introduction to reporting the mitigation pillar4 Topics|1 Quiz
MODULE 8: Integrating your SEACAP into existing planning processes
Lesson 8.1: Integrating your SEACAP actions into local level plans1 Topic|1 Quiz
Lesson 2.7: Setting mitigation targets2 Topics
Lesson 2.8: Planning mitigation actions1 Topic
Lesson 7.4: Introduction to reporting the access to energy pillar3 Topics|1 Quiz
How to report on the mitigation pillar using CDP-ICLEI Track
3 October 2024
Assessment – Emissions Inventory
The mitigation questions in Section 3 (3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.2, 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2) have been designed to align with the reporting requirements for CoM SSA signatories, specifically the ‘Assessment’ phase of the Baseline Emissions Inventory.
(3.1) Does your jurisdiction have a community-wide emissions inventory to report?
Response options:
Select from:
- Yes
- No, but we are currently undertaking one and it will be complete in the next year
- No, but we are intending to undertake one in the next two years
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of financial capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of expertise/technical capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of financial capacity and expertise/technical capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to other higher priorities
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to a reason not listed above, please specify
If “No” is selected, then there will be no further questions asked for this section due to the pathway selection criteria.
The ‘Target’ elements are addressed in Question 6.1.
Finally the ‘Plan’ phase elements can be reported in questions 8.1/8.1.1, and in 9.1/9.2 (in two final columns, CoM SSA signatories will be requested to indicate if any actions reported address mitigation issues and the related indicators).
Examples of reporting the Baseline Emissions Inventory:
Targets section
Actions section
To be compliant with the GCoM “Mitigation-Target badge”, cities must answer “Yes, our jurisdiction has an active greenhouse gas emissions reduction target(s)” in this question and complete all mandatory columns in Question 6.1a.
GCoM mandatory columns | GCoM mandatory columns Avoiding common mistakes |
Primary emissions sector addressed and action type^ | Please specify the action sector from the drop-down list. |
Action description and web link to further information^ | GCoM cities are required to report a brief description of each action. |
Impact indicators measured^ | Please select at least one indicator from “Estimated emission reduction” or “Estimated annual energy saving” or “Estimated annual renewable energy generation” , and then answer the numerical value of estimation in the pop-up boxes below. |
Estimated emissions reductions (metric tons CO2e)^ | To be compliant, at least one assessment shall be provided: Estimated annual emissions reductions, or estimated annual energy savings, or estimated annual renewable energy generation. |
Estimated annual energy savings (MWh)^ | To be compliant, at least one assessment shall be provided: Estimated annual emissions reductions, or estimated annual energy savings, or estimated annual renewable energy generation. |
Estimated annual renewable energy generation (MWh)^ | To be compliant, at least one assessment shall be provided: Estimated annual emissions reductions, or estimated annual energy savings, or estimated annual renewable energy generation. |
Co-benefits realised^ | Co-benefits are the positive impacts of the actions beyond adaptation. It could be the major benefit for the community such as job creation or improvement of public health. It helps us to celebrate the overcall achievement of local government through climate actions. Please do not leave this column blank. |
Status of action in the reporting year^ | GCoM cities are required to report the status of action implementation. The status of implementation shall be updated every three years as monitoring of the action plan. |
Inclusion in climate action plan and/or city development/master plan^ | GCoM requires cities to report actions as part of the action plan. Your answer here will help us build connection to your report in Question 7.1a. |