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CoM SSA sur le Plan d’action pour l’accès à l’énergie durable et le climat (PAAEDC) est un cours

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  1. MODULE 1 : Définir le contexte
  2. Leçon 1.1 : Présentation de l’initiative CoM SSA
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Leçon 1.2 : Introduction au PAAEDC
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Leçon 1.3 : Changement climatique et villes africaines
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. MODULE 2 : Pilier Atténnuation du PAAEDC
  6. Leçon 2.1 : Concepts clés de l’atténuation du changement climatique
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  7. Leçon 2.2 : Introduction au pilier Atténuation
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Leçon 2.3 : Processus d’élaboration du PAAEDC pour le pilier Atténuation
    1 Topic
  9. Leçon 2.4 : Inventaire des émissions : émissions de GES
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  10. Leçon 2.5 : Réalisation d’un inventaire de référence des émissions (IRE)
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  11. Leçon 2.6 : Outils nécessaires à la réalisation d'un IRE
    2 Topics
  12. Leçon 2.7 : Définir des cibles d'atténuation
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  13. Leçon 2.8 : Planification des actions d'atténuation
    2 Topics
  14. MODULE 3 : Le pilier Accès à l’énergie du PAAEDC
  15. Leçon 3.1 : Concepts clés de l’accès à l’énergie
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  16. Leçon 3.2 : Introduction au pilier Accès à l’énergie
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  17. Leçon 3.3 : Processus d’élaboration du PAAEDC pour le pilier Accès à l’énergie
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  18. Leçon 3.4 : Collecte de données
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  19. Leçon 3.5 : Développer une évaluation de l'accès à l'énergie (EAE)
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  20. Leçon 3.6 : Définir une vision et des cibles relatives à l’accès à l’énergie
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  21. Leçon 3.7 : Planification des actions pour l’accès à l’énergie
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  22. MODULE 4: Le pilier Adaptation du PAAEDC
  23. Leçon 4.1 : Concepts clés de la l'adaptation au changement climatique
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  24. Leçon 4.2 : Introduction au pilier adaptation
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  25. Leçon 4.3 : Processus d’élaboration du PAAEDC pour le pilier Adaptation
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  26. Leçon 4.4 : Réalisation d’une évaluation des risques et des vulnérabilités (ERV)
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  27. Leçon 4.5 : Définition d’une vision d’adaptation et des cibles sectorielles
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  28. Leçon 4.6 : Planification des actions d'adaptation
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  29. MODULE 5: Étapes à suivre avant de mettre en œuvre votre PAAEDC
  30. Leçon 5.1 : Les prochaines étapes relatives aux actions prioritaires
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  31. Leçon 5.2 : Catégorisation des actions visant à permettre d’accéder aux financements extérieurs
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  32. Module 6 : Communication de votre PAAEDC
  33. Leçon 6.1 : Stylique de votre PAAEDC
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  34. Leçon 6.2 : Communication de votre PAAEDC aux parties prenantes clés
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  35. MODULE 7: Reporting de votre PAAEDC
  36. Leçon 7.1 : Introduction au reporting de votre PAAEDC
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  37. Lesson 7.2: Introduction to reporting the mitigation pillar
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  38. Lesson 7.3: Introduction to reporting the adaptation pillar
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  39. Lesson 7.4: Introduction to reporting the access to energy pillar
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  40. MODULE 8: Integrating your SEACAP into existing planning processes
  41. Lesson 8.1: Integrating your SEACAP actions into local level plans
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
Lesson Progress
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Assessment – Climate Risk and Vulnerability

The adaptation questions in Section 2 (2.1, 2.1.1, 2.2, 2.3) have been designed to align with the reporting requirements of multiple projects and/or initiatives, principally the ‘Assessment’ phase of the Climate Risk and Vulnerability section. The adaptation ‘Target’ elements are addressed in Question 5.1. and 5.1.1.

The ‘Plan’ phase elements can be reported in Question 8.1 or 8.1.1, and in 9.1 (in two final columns CoM SSA cities will be requested to indicate if any actions reported address adaptation issues and the related indicators).

Examples of reporting using CDP-ICLEI Track

Question 1.2 – Report the most significant climate hazards

  • Report the most significant physical climate-related hazard in this question.
  • The hazards reported should be those which may pose inherently significant impacts to your jurisdiction regardless of whether your jurisdiction has taken action to mitigate risk(s).
    • If actions have been taken to mitigate these risks, it is recommended that, where possible, jurisdictions report on this in Question 8.1.
  • If you select the option ‘No significant climate-related hazards, please specify why’ you will not be presented with the subsequent columns in this question.

To be compliant with the GCoM Adaptation Plan badge, cities must answer at least one adaptation action including all mandatory columns (highlighted with ^ symbol).

Here are some helpful tips on how to avoid common mistakes when completing the mandatory columns:

GCoM mandatory columns Avoiding common mistakes
Action (selections mandatory)^ Please specify the action type from the drop-down list.
Climate hazard(s) that action addresses^ Please specify the hazard addressed by this action. Multiple hazards can be selected for one action.
Action description and web link to further information^ GCoM cities are required to report a brief description of each action.
Co-benefits realised^ Co-benefits are the positive impacts of the actions beyond adaptation. It could be a major benefit for the community such as job creation or improved public health. It helps us to celebrate the overcall achievement of local government through climate actions. Please do not leave this column blank.
Status of action in the reporting year^ GCoM cities are required to report the status of action implementation. The status of implementation shall be updated every three years as monitoring of the action plan.
Inclusion in climate action plan and/or city development/master plan^ GCoM requires cities to report actions as part of the action plan. Your answer here will help us build connection to your report in Question 7.1a.

Question 4.1.a – Report 3 local adaptation goals

  • Indicate if your jurisdiction has an active adaptation goal(s) in place by selecting the option ‘Yes, our jurisdiction has an active adaptation goal(s)’. You will then be presented with the next question where you will be requested to report further information in relation to the goal(s).
  • If you do not have an active adaptation goal in place, please indicate the primary reason why by selecting the most relevant ‘No’ option. You can also add a comment to provide further context by clicking on the speech bubble icon adjacent to the question text in the reporting system.
  • To be compliant with the GCoM Adaptation-Goal badge, cities must choose “Yes, jurisdiction has an active adaptation goal(s) ” and answer all mandatory questions in Question 5.1.

    Question 7.5 – Describe any planned climate-related projects within your jurisdiction for which you hope to attract financing and/or technical assistance